Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!

On September 22nd, I was coming home from work at 3 AM and woke up in the Operating Room... needless to say, my life was changed forever!  On that drive home, I temporarily fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into the front end of a semi-truck transporting steel.  My leg was sliced up with bones sticking through in numerous spots.  I had broken my femur, fibula, tibia, six ribs, and fractured my lung.  Over the weeks following, I was forced to be inactive so my bones and body could heal, after my miraculous survival.  Since I have not been able to return to work, or do much other than play my xBox 360 and Nintendo Wii, I brainstormed ways to reach out to the world from my living room couch... by creating a sub-par blog that no one will care about, but will jog my brain and increase my literary skills in topics that really have no significance in the meaning of life.  

So why do it and waste my time?  Because I f*****' can!

I will try to update my blog everyday for the viewers that I won't have, just to make me feel like I am providing a great service.  I am going to talk about a similar chain of topics, week after week, following the schedule posted below:

Monday:  Shit That's On My Mind (talking about shit... that is on my mind)
Tuesday:  The Week in Sports (recapping my highlights from the week before)
Wednesday:  Music of the Moment (so you can download (likely illegally) the crappy music I listen to)
Thursday:  kLick's Flick Pick (a movie I recommend to see this upcoming week (the only worthwhile blog post))
Friday:  Poppin' My Culture (interesting occurrences with celebrities/issues that occurred in the past week)
Saturday:  News Story of the Week (keeping my readers up to date with issues they probably do not care about)
Sunday: Remember When... (discussing fads/people/events to look back upon from our younger years)

Also, everyday will have a Quote of the Day and a Game of the Day in sports.

Hopefully, I decide to do this for a while to entertain myself and hopefully at least one individual to spur debates, possible controversy, and maybe change the live of someone out there who just needs some one to talk/listen to... So let's begin!


1 comment:

  1. Kyle,

    How you doing buddy? Hope your doing great in your revory from the accident, I was very very scared when I heard what had happened. You and Tony have been through a lot together loosing a very close friend already didn't need to see Tony go throught that again. I am very thankful for your survival. With that this blog ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! I love it man. Need a co-star or editor! LOL Keep it Sleezy!!! ok KLick I'm out tell the Family hi for me !!!

    Jon Williams
