Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Week in Sports

Quote of the Day:  "All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity." -- Gordie Howe

Game of the Day:  Miami Heat vs Boston Celtics  -  My Pick: Miami Heat

Welcome to "Boredom of a College Grad."  This is my first actual post, but please check out the introduction post from earlier today to give you a clearer picture of why I am wasting my, as well as your, time today.  Since today is Tuesday, I am going to have a quick recap of the previous week in sports, give a couple future predictions, and probably frustrate a few Michigan State fans out there, due to demoralization that Iowa is going to bring to the fifth ranked Spartan football program this coming weekend... but we will get there with time.

The Rangers knocked off my Yankees and the Giants beat down the Phillies to make it to the world series.  I believe the ratings will suck, because no one really cares about the Rangers or the Giants, but I will thoroughly enjoy this series.  The Rangers powerhouse offense is a joy to watch and I think they will have a field day against the Giants if everyone manages to stay healthy during the series.  Josh Hamilton is hotter than ever and won't let up.  Even though Tim Lincecum does make me smile, I don't think the Giants are strong enough to stop Texas.  The Giants will have blurps of success, but won't have enough.  I predict that the Rangers will win the series in six games, but have the gut feeling they could pull it off in five.

Another #1 seed falls and the most consistently ranked team still does not break the top two.  I believe Auburn will slip up sooner or later just like the rest of the world and the Ducks always find a way to blow a cheap win, but I do not believe we will ever see Boise State or Texas Christian in the BCS Championship.  I would love to see either of them make it, but do not think they would be able to compete with an SEC powerhouse like Alabama (or Auburn if they survive).  I really hope Auburn and Oregon actually DO remain undefeated, because I think that would be a just championship, but if one falls it will become a controversial nightmare.  

Also, Western Michigan won big this week on the road again.  With their team 1-2 at home, I'm sure they won't disappoint with another WMU home performance this week.  I hope they will pull it off against 6-2 Northern Illinois, but they will have to pull off something miraculous to shut down their high powered, MAC-crushing offense.

Finally, the Michigan State Spartans did manage to sneak by the Northwestern...... whatever they are.  They did play somewhat good, but their defense acted like they were facing Michael Vick in his prime... but it was simply Dan Persa.  Don't get me wrong, Persa played one hell of a game, but I think MSU has more than Northwestern.  Iowa is up next, it'd be nice to see State make a Championship push, but after Iowa's loss at home to Wisconsin... I think the Hawkeyes will be ready to play.

The Cowboys are worthless.  The Saints lose to the Browns.  Brett Favre continues his journey to be admitted to a nursing home by the age of 45.  Refs botch a call that costs the Dolphins the game.  The Buccaneers are good.  The Lions make it out of a week without a loss.  What is going on in the NFL!?  My response... who cares.  As long as the Cowboys lose and the Lions don't play... it is a successful week in the NFL.

Well, that's all I have for The Week in Sports.  I could have talked more about the Wings dominance in the NFL, the Heat preparing to go undefeated, and other various games, but this is all I have for today!  Feel free to comment and dispute your thoughts!

Keep it sleezy,


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