Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top 10 Halloween Movie Countdown!

Quote of the Day:  "I've seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly." -- Elizabeth, from Friday the 13th: Part VI

Game of the Day:  Game Two: Texas Rangers (0-1) vs San Fransisco Giants (1-0) -  My Pick: Texas Rangers


Welcome back, you sexy animals!  Every Thursday, I will be discussing various movies that I recommend you check out in the upcoming few days and since we have everyone's favorite holiday coming up, I got something a little more special than the norm.  I have thought deeply about some of my favorite spooky/Halloweeny type films since my childhood and put together a list of my Top 10 favorite Halloween/horror films.  Not all of them are the 'iconic' horror films of our time, but simply some of my favorite movies to watch this time of the year.  So let's get this shit started!

Halloweentown was my absolute favorite movie to pump me up for the Halloween season during my childhood.  It was originally a Disney TV movie about a girl who wanted to get her witch training (family tradition) in before she would lose her powers.  After a series of events and a mystical bus ride, they arrive in the single sweetest place on Earth... Halloweentown.  The story continues, but the overall concept was simply the bomb.  It was initially a childhood dream to walk to walk the streets of Halloweentown, but has now officially transformed to a life mission to stumble upon the magic bus to take me there!

F*****' Scream is one of the most ridiculous series of movies released in the past ten years, and thankfully they are producing a new one!  Yes, Scream is an absolutely awful movie, but the concept behind it is great.  A group of friends with terror being reined upon them from one of the most hilarious villains of all time, whom just so happened to be in that group of friends!  Ha!  Even though the acting and many of the scenes make me want to regurgitate (due to the superb on-screen acting skills they gifted us with), I can't get enough of the Scream series and can't wait for the new one to hit the screens!

No Halloween can go without one of the greatest comedies ever filmed.  The Ghostbusters brought us laughs through their various adventures, but none more than the original movie.  With a cast of greats, such as Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Rick Moranis, they were set up for greatness before ever writing the script.  Inspiring a group of friends at every Halloween party you will attend, the Ghostbuster really created a pop culture icon.  I will continue to watch the boys in beige clean up the streets of the Big Apple for years to come.

One of the most disturbing movies of all-time, but a brilliant Spook-tober type film.  Anthony Hopkins is one of the most terrifying actors in the film industry, simply because the villain he developed in this film... Dr. Hannibal Lecter.  The flesh eating, skin wearing man forever terrified the lives of millions of women on the planet and provided the men with a smuck, smirk of sickness with his various antics.  Even though I do not necessarily get joy when I watch the movie, it is one everybody needs to see!

Between the most classic of horror film villains (i.e., Jason, Freddy Krueger, etc.), f*****' Michael Myers takes the cake.  To this day, when children knock on the door to get free candy on Halloween, I have a feeling of anxiety giving a child in a Michael Myers mask candy.  Halloween is one of the most epic films of all time, full of scenes that will make your arm bleed from your girlfriend grabbing it too tight.  I absolutely love, love, love this movie, but still have a hard time watching it, due to the creepiest f*****' guy that horror movies have created so far.

In every Top 10 of horror movies, The Exorcist gives you one of the most gut-wrenching tales of all time.  The concept of demons possessing people is horrifying as is, but when it takes over this little girl, it just makes the idea so much more terrifying.  It doesn't necessarily make you jump or keep you on edge like most horror films, but will stick with you for the rest of your life.  To make it even more creepy, the graphics and effects that the early-70's produced simply topped it off.  Not as over the top as films now of days, just Grade-A f***** up.

LOVE THIS MOVIE!  Sweeney Todd is played by Johnny Depp (the actor of few personalities), whom was the perfect selection for this movie.  Yes, it was a musical, which turned some friends off from it, but the lyrics and writing in this movie a top-notch hilarious and disturbing.  He owns a barbershop and shares a building with Mrs. Lovett, played by the creepy Helena Carter, who just so happens to own a meat pie business.  Combined, they create such a sinister duo and create one of the most horrific, disgusting, and brilliant films of the Millennium.

3.  SAW I - III
Nothing would be more terrifying than waking up in a dingy, dark room with your body in shackles, a rotating saw between your fingers, and a brace connected to your head that is capable of ripping your jaw into pieces.  The Saw series had the potential to be a masterpiece, but went about four movies too far.  The first three stayed with Tobin Bell, a connected cast and plot line, and was pretty f*****' realistic, which is the most unpleasing element about the films.  Saw was a classic case of putting the clues together to basically save your life, or the lives of others around you.  The demented choices individuals had to make really made you think, "What would I do?!"  Saw, especially the first III, are a must in every Halloween movie watch list.  Even though the new ones may have pushed the limits a little too far, the first III created the brilliance that everyone needs to experience.

The Shining is the single greatest horror movie of all-time.  Even though many movies compare to the evilness and horror, nothing compares the the brilliance of the character Jack Torrance, writer and psychotic father played by Jack Nicholson.  He brought horror films to a new level with this movie.  Even though he had such an epic performance, I believe every horror movie needs one element to push it over the edge and freak the living shit out of me... one creepy f*****' kid.  His son has the ability to see psychic visions of the future and past, which brings in the ultimate creep-factor of this story.  Every scary movie-goer certainly needs to watch this movie.  I watch it year after year, and get freaked out more each time I watch it.

Jesse Eisenburg and Woody Harrelson team up to be the most badass zombie killing force the film industry has ever seen.  The combination of zombie ass whoopin', Twinkie huntin' and comic relief created one of the best movies of the decade.  If you do not have a sick, somewhat dry sense of humor, you may think the movie is simply average, but when take in the full elements of Zombieland, you are witnessing a true masterpiece of our time.  It is a brilliant story of over-coming loss, making unexpected friendships and falling in love... to some extent.  Funniest f*****' horror movie I have ever seen, which will soon find a permanent residence in my DVD collection.  It is a MUST SEE if you enjoy the true beauty of the film industry.

Well, that was a lot of typing, so I am done for the day!  Leave me feedback on your thoughts and make sure you check out some of these films during the next couple days to make your Halloween complete!

Keep it sleezy,


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