Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Quote of the Day:  "A person is a success if they get up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." -- Bob Dylan

Game of the Day:  Game One: Texas Rangers vs San Fransisco Giants  -  My Pick: Texas Rangers


I this blog segment, I am going to talk about some of my favorite songs, artists, and albums of the moment that fit my melodic needs.  Since I have been laid up from surgery, I have dove to the deepest depths of my iTunes library to add some what of a variety in my pretty basic life.  Thankfully, my iTunes is well diverse, catering to my various needs and mood swings to get me through the day.  Here is some of the tuneage that have been blessing my ears over the past week.

Musician of the Moment: Bob Dylan

With many new musicians and styles of music arising day-to-day, many artists begin to fade out with their time.  Either their music style begins to fade, they begin to grow old, or they simply can't compete with the new craves of the listeners.  Bob Dylan does not fall under that categorization.  For decades, he hasn't only gifted us with his words, but his heart and soul.  His music is a poetry of the industry today.  From blues to rock, Dylan has touched many realms with his diverse, rhythmic style.  

This coming Friday, I am going to see Bob Dylan perform in Kalamazoo with my family, which motivated me to dig deeper into much of his music that I have previously not yet been adapt to.  What stayed constant through all of his different songs through over four decades was that every song told a story from his heart.  The passion and creativity is so thick in his music, that many musicians now of days will never be able to match his poetic brilliance.  Even though Bob Dylan may be viewed as an artist of the past and these Times They are a Changin', Bob Dylan will always provide my ears and mind with comfort and relaxation for years to come.  

Song of the Moment: The Kids - B.o.B. featuring Janelle Monae

B.o.B. is a hot new artist that I latched onto right away.  Providing us with a mix of hip hop, pop and R&B, B.o.B. is topping the charts.  The one thing that stands out about him to me is that he does much more with his voice and music that other comparable 'rappers.'  He adds a light flow to the music by mixing his smooth raps with an R&B type vocal performance in many of his choruses.  It initially grabbed me when I saw him open for Jay Z and Eminem at Comerica Park, rating his performance along with some of the other best acts I have previously seen, which I surely was not expecting.

I picked The Kids my Song of the Moment, because it brings his B.o.B. kind of flow and vocal presence with the soul of Janelle Monae.  It's a simple song, but I just love it!  You don't have to like rap to like this song (which is a definite plus), so you should check it out if you previously haven't.  B.o.B. is also the artist of hits Magic, Airplanes, and Nothin' On You, which have been much more prevalent on the radio.  

Album of the Moment: Enema of the State - blink 182

Enema of the State is the album, that in my mind, single handedly changed the landscape of rock in the  early-Millennium.  blink 182 released this album in 1999 and hit stardom instantly.  It was their third album, but the first one that the world welcomed with open ears.  With hits like All the Small Things, Adam's Song, and What's My Age Again?, blink was topping the chats with their newly created pop-punk style for months.  This new sound was extremely catchy and slowly began to transform the punk rock scene with the upbeat, driving style.  

Also, blink instantly connected to the school-aged and college generations with songs relating to teenage problems, school, dating, partying, and living the life of a kid.  With songs like Going Away to College, Mutt, and other various hits, Enema of the State still has my heart clamped in its vice, finding me listening to songs off it nearly every day.  It was by far my most listened to album in middle school, high school, and even college, finding a near-permanent home in my car CD player for over five months my junior year at WMU.  This is my favorite album of all time and probably will be for much of my adult life.

If you never cared for Bob Dylan, never give rappers a chance, or don't enjoy music... I am sorry to hear that, but hope you will give these picks a second, or even a first, chance.  Check 'em out and let me know what you think.  Until then, take it easy for this Wednesday and I will be back tomorrow with insight on my movies of the week.

Keep it sleezy,


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